Elevating merchant services with seamless payment solutions for +25 years

About Bikpays

Elevating merchant services with seamless payment solutions for +25 years

Transform your business with Bikpays

The leader in merchant services for over 25 years. Our comprehensive solutions are tailored to enhance your payment processing seamlessly.

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Why Bikpays?

Transform your business with Bikpays

Capture more revenue, protect customer data, and provide a frictionless payments experience.
Earn More Profit
Earn profit on every transaction with transparent pricing, chargebook protection, and next-day funding.
Improve Your Checkout
Deliver a better checkout experience for you and your customers with next-gen terminals and POS systems.
Protect Your Business
Prevent fraud, increase authorization rates, and enjoy 24/7/365 multilingual customer support.
Why Bikpays?

Free Merchant Statement Analysis

Capture more revenue, protect customer data, and provide a frictionless payments experience.

Free Merchant Statement Analysis

Dedicated to the success of Bay Area businesses. Our merchant services offer reliable payment processing and advanced tools to boost your profits.

Company - BikPays

Start selling with BikPays

Keep more of your profits and grow your business. Our free POS and self-service kiosk help your business thrive.

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Dedicated Support

24/7 multilingual support from real people.


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(925) 350-9453

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